BEVERLY, Mass. – Now that our student-athletes have navigated online learning for a few weeks, we asked them to share their best tips on what makes them effective at home. Here's the advice our student-athletes had to offer up. Hopefully, in one way or another, it helps someone reading this and/or reinforces some good habits for our Gulls to keep using as they head into finals shortly. As always, everyone at Endicott is here if you need us.
- Focus on one subject each day and/or focus your work in three-hour blocks
- Put breaks into your schedule to give yourself a breather mentally and physically
- Reward yourself during your breaks
- Turn off your phone during the day and/or leave it in another room during class to avoid distractions
- Plan your week in advance/create an agenda to lock in time for homework around your Zoom classes
- Make your agenda as detailed as possible to keep track of due dates for assignments
- Take time at night to connect with family and friends
- Dedicate certain spaces around your house that are just for schoolwork and classes which are separate from your bedroom to help you feel more productive and energized
- If possible, set up a home office where you can close the door and be away from all the noise that might happen around your home
- When applicable, change up your workspace from time-to-time from one spot in the house to another to mix it up and not get bored as easily
- Be cognizant about the amount of time you are spending on social media
Student-athletes should be reminded that academic resources and support are still available virtually.
- Academic Resources and Support Web Page
- Schedule A Tutoring Appointment
- Writing Center Web Page
- Contact Academic Success
(Thank you to our student-athletes who participated in this project: Amber Vuileumier, Brian Wightman, Maya Feigenbaum, Peyton Atkins, Heather Bacon, Colleen Goodwin, Jennifer Stone)
For the latest on Endicott Athletics, follow the Gulls on social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.>
(Photo Credit - Nick Grace '20)