Freshman Stacie Smith to Sing National Anthem at Boston Red Sox Game

Sept. 17, 2003

Endicott College Freshman Stacie Smith will sing the National Anthem at Fenway Park tomorrow night, Thursday September 18th, when the Boston Red Sox take on the Tampa Bay Devil Rays at 7pm.

Smith received a phone call from the Boston Red Sox last week, inviting her to perform the Anthem. "I sent in a tape back in April and then they just called and asked me to sing," Smith said. Smith sang the Anthem for the Red Sox and the Revolution during her sophomore year of high school, and currently she sings at Bristol Studio's in Boston.

A calm and composed Smith, who has been singing as long as she can remember, said "I am really looking forward to singing at the game tomorrow night."

Smith performed the National Anthem at Endicott's first ever home football game on September 6th and will sing at the next four home games as well. The Lincoln Massachusetts native next stop after Fenway Park is this Saturday at EC's new stadium for the football game, set to kickoff at 1pm.