Penalties Too Much to Handle for Gulls

Penalties Too Much to Handle for Gulls

Oct. 29, 2007

Endicott welcomed the high-flying Central Connecticut State Blue Devils Saturday night and found that playing shorthanded for ten minutes, was not what the Gulls had intended.

Central got on the board early when Erich Stoneman was left out in front of EC goalie Matt Murray (Billerica, MA/Arlington Catholic) making the easy tally. Central continued the offensive pressure during the five-minute power-play after Endicott's Greg Dorman (Merrimack, NH/Merrimack) was whistled off for hitting from behind, but were unable to capitalize with the free man. Feeling the momentum change after the penalty kill, the Gulls responded with 1:52 left in the period when freshman Eddie O'Brien (Mansfield, MA/Mansfield) sniped a shot outside the circle to get Endicott on the board. Twenty five seconds later Central responded when Joe Dabkowski slide a shot by Murray making the score 2-1.

Early in the second period Central built their lead to two when Rob Diclemente was able to find the short side of the goal making the score 3-1. Each team throughout the second period generated good scoring opportunities with Central leading the way with shots on goal.

Endicott's Chris Garofalo started the third period with his first power play goal of the night when he rifled a shot glove-side making it 3-2. Seemingly Endicott surged with momentum, but again was short lived when two minutes later Central came back on a back-breaking power-play goal again increasing the lead to two goals. The Blue Devils netted two more goals before the end of the game completing the 6-2 final.

Endicott takes on the Wildcats of UNH tonight at 7:00pm in Hamilton.