Erin McDermott
Erin McDermott
Year: Jr.
Hometown: Abington, Mass.
Major: Applied Mathematics

Why Endicott? Why Division III?

Chose Endicott for the beautiful campus and the opportunities that it gave her with the internship program and the community on campus.


  • Dean's List (Fall '20, Spring '21)
  • High School English Award (HS '17)
  • High School PE Award (HS, '19, '20)
  • 2022 NCA Staff Member
  • Unsung Hero Award (HS) 

Professional Aspirations

Currently completing an internship with GLP creative. She is also searching for a teaching internship in a middle or high school

Clubs and Organizations

Previously a member of LIGHThouse, Photography for Athletics

Community Service

Packaged meals with the cheer team. 

Fun Facts

Her sister participated in college cheer at the University of Tampa... she is minoring in applied mathematics and also enjoys photography in her spare time